My Pattern Making Class and Other News
I’m sorry I’m so behind on keeping y’all updated on what’s going on in my corner of the world! I’m working on being more regular about keeping you updated because I’m working on some fun new things this year!
First of all, I’m teaching a pattern making class on Patreon! We’re only a few weeks in, but honestly, you can sign up for any of my Patreon classes at any time because they’re prerecorded videos in a self-paced course. Learn more about the class or sign up today!
Second, if you’re not caught up on the channel, I’ve started a podcast in video format. During these episodes, I deep dive on questions from you, my followers/students. Email me at with a question you’d like me to answer in a future episode!
Third, if you’re looking to make fashion friends and the Facebook group is not for you, join us over on Discord!
If you need a place to keep up with fashion industry news, I recommend Fashion United—it’s free and spans runway news, schools, sustainability, competitions, everything.
Speaking of meeting people, I’ll be in LA the week of March 20th! Should I host a meetup?